

Friday, 20 October 2017

Tuberculosis lymphadenitis Disease

Tuberculous lymphadenitis (or tuberculous adenitis) is a chronic specific granulomatous inflammation of the lymph node with caseation necrosis, caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium bovis.
The characteristic morphological element is the tuberculous granuloma (caseating tubercule). This consists of giant multinucleated cells and (Langhans cells), surrounded by epithelioid cells aggregates, T cell lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Granulomatous tubercules eventually develop central caseous necrosis and tend to become confluent, replacing the lymphoid tissue .Involvement of the abdominal lymph nodes by TB is common and adenopathies can normally be found in various sites

1)positive tuberclin test 2)chest radiograph 3) Imaging (Ultrasound scan or CT scan 4) cytology/
biopsy (Fine needle aspiration culture ) 5) AFB staining 6)mycobacterial culture
Treatment : The treatment of lymphatic TB is the same as that of pulmonary TB , the size of adenopathies decrease very slowly (over weeks or months

Surgery may be indicated in cases of lymph node TB caused by other mycobacteria and when the mediastinum has been affected (even with M, tuberculosis )and is extremely compressive

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